The Age of Aquarius in Hollywood: Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, and Billie Eilish

Beyoncé, Taylor, and Billie are the socially conscious voices of our generation, and forces to be reckoned with.

Astronatic | Astrology
5 min readAug 24, 2020


Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, and Billie Eilish

It’s been debated whether the Age of Aquarius has started or when it will start. However, it appears undeniable that the influence of Aquarius is upon us, especially with how 2020 has been and the social awareness celebrities have been showing lately.

The Age of Aquarius series will feature celebrities that have been in the news for their social awareness and/or activism. This series will dive into certain aspects of their astro chart, uncovering how genuine their social engagement is, what their astro charts indicate in regards to this, and even some information that may not be as apparent to the public eye.

Saturn has been going back and forth periodically from Capricorn to Aquarius since 2017, bringing the strong possibility of aspects of society being broken down and new structures established in their place.

Whether you are an Aquarius or not, this sign has some sort of influence in your chart and therefore in you. Aquarius is associated with unconventionality and revolution, but really it relates to how one shows up in society to move it forward…



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